Securing the future – the expanding role of the employer covenant
Join our team of covenant experts to understand how covenant advice is evolving, both in the context of changing pensions regulation, but also to adapt to developing scheme and employer circumstances, and increased macroeconomic risks.

The focus of covenant advice has changed since we emerged from the shadow of the pandemic. Following the gilts crisis many schemes are now better funded and thinking about their endgame much sooner than expected – whether this is targeting buy-out, running on, or other options, covenant plays an important role. However, macroeconomic conditions have remained tough, and many sponsors are continuing to face financial challenges.
In addition, The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has now issued its final DB Funding Code of Practice which sets out a more prescriptive approach to assessing covenant, asking trustees to look at longer-term covenant risks and factor these into scheme funding strategies. Plus, the Statement of Strategy requirements mean that trustees are going to be asked to submit significantly more covenant information to TPR than ever before. We look at the key requirements of the new funding regime and how covenant can be assessed and monitored in a proportionate way.
Join LCP’s team of covenant experts at our on demand webinar to understand how our approach to covenant advice is evolving in the new world that both trustees and employers find themselves in.
Who should attend?
Trustees, sponsors of DB pension schemes, and pension managers
1 hour including Q&A