Let's talk

LCP Health Analytics at ISPOR 2022

Life sciences
Dr Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard Partner & Head of Health Analytics
Dr Rebecca Sloan Senior Consultant
Robert King Consultant and Senior Health Economist
Dr Ben Bray Partner and Evidence Generation Lead

LCP Health Analytics team attended and presented our research at ISPOR, at the Gaylord Resort & Convention Centre, Washington D.C., United States on 15–18 May 2022.

At LCP Health Analytics, we partner with our clients to help transition health systems from importers of illness to exporters of health. We do this by providing actionable insights into the biggest health challenges of today, so we were excited to be a part of ISPOR 2022, the leading global conference for health economics and outcomes research, with its key theme of improving equitable access to healthcare using patient-driven data leading to personalisation of treatment strategies.

Our multi-disciplinary team of epidemiologists, statisticians, data scientists, actuaries, policy and technology specialists will help realign incentives around patient value across the health system. We would love to discuss our approaches to solve the bigger health challenges across the world with you.

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We presented four research posters across a range of topics including real world evidence, epidemiology, population health management and health equity. Each poster, summaries of our work and the original abstracts are available below.

ISPOR research posters

Identifying geographically clustered health inequalities in England

Inequalities in health and their determinants are widening, and it is unclear whether these indicators are correlated and how policy should best address these inequalities. We therefore aimed to 1) identify and characterise geographical clusters in health and socio-economic inequalities in England; and 2) assess the effect of reducing geographical inequalities in health.

Key contact: Dr Rebecca Sloan

Estimating the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on healthcare waiting lists in England

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a large impact on healthcare systems, leading to many patients with non-Covid-19 conditions having their care postponed or delayed. We aimed to forecast the impact of the pandemic on waiting lists for treatment in the National Health Service (NHS) in England.

Key contact: Robert King

Variations in comorbidity burden in patients with Type 2 diabetes over disease duration and impacts on Health Care Resource Usage: A population-based analysis of Real-World Evidence

Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) prevalence is increasing, and cause of morbidity is now much broader. The breadth of this and impact on healthcare resource usage and costs is unclear. We aimed to estimate healthcare resource use (HCRU) and health system costs in patients with T2DM and how this varied according to comorbidities and other risk factors during the disease.

Key contact: Dr Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard

Variations in comorbidity burden in patients with Type 2 diabetes over disease duration: A population-based analysis of Real-World Evidence

Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) prevalence is increasing, and cause of death and complications in this patient group are now much broader. The extent and breadth of morbidity and how this varies across sub-groups is unclear. We aimed to estimate comorbidity profiles in patients with T2DM, variations across sub-groups and over the disease course.

Key contact: Dr Ben Bray