5th edition of the Market Monitor for Demand Side Flexibility
Energy transition Energy research Flexibility research FLEXtrackDownload the 5th edition of the joint LCP Delta and smartEn Market Monitor for Demand Side Flexibility.
This is the 5th edition of the joint LCP Delta and smartEn Market Monitor for Demand Side Flexibility. This publication maps the accessibility, monetisation and development of demand side flexibility (DSF) across 30 European countries.
This report is based on LCP Delta’s high level quantitative and qualitative research. This year we have expanded our coverage to maps:
- Accessibility of DSF in ancillary services
- Accessibility of DSF in distribution system flexibility
- Accessibility of residential assets in implicit and explicit flexibility
- TSO spend of market accessible to DSF
- Accessibility and spend of DSF in capacity markets
- Wholesale spot market accessibility and volatility
- Future development of DSF