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The 2023 battery investment landscape

Energy transition Investment

The GB battery storage market, once thriving, has faced revenue declines in 2023 after record highs in 2021 and 2022. LCP Delta's report explores the future of GB battery storage, offering insights to succeed in stable markets. It's essential not to dwell on recent revenue drops but focus on strategies for success in this dynamic market. 

The battery storage market in Great Britain (GB) has been a hotbed of activity, drawing substantial investments and attention. However, 2023 has seen a decline in revenues compared to the remarkable highs of 2021 and 2022, which were driven by unforeseen energy system disruptions and lucrative frequency response products. In this report by LCP Delta, we delve into the future prospects of battery storage in GB and uncover valuable lessons to thrive in more stable energy markets. 

This report serves as a guide for investors, owners, and operators of GB battery assets, helping them navigate the evolving landscape and future investment challenges. It’s crucial not to focus solely on the recent revenue downturn since late 2022; instead, this report aims to provide a holistic view of battery storage opportunities and strategies to outperform competitors in this dynamic market.