The DWP has today announced that it is rejecting outright the findings of the Parliamentary Ombudsman’s detailed report into inadequate notification of state pension age changes (the ‘WASPI’ issue) and will pay no compensation.
Commenting, Steve Webb, LCP Partner said:
The Government’s handling of this issue sets an extremely worrying precedent. If it is acceptable for a Department to completely reject the findings of a report by the independent Parliamentary Ombudsman, this strikes a blow at the heart of the whole process. There is a risk that governments will now feel emboldened to ‘pick and choose’ when faced with a critical Ombudsman report, effectively setting themselves up as judge and jury. Even if the government felt it could not afford to implement the recommendations in full, there were many options which would have offered some redress to those most affected. Outright rejection of the Ombudsman’s report raises much wider issues than compensation over pension age changes, and MPs should not take this decision lying down.