Let's talk

Matthew Deitz

Senior Consultant

I am a Senior Consultant at LCP Delta, where I lead our economics and policy team. My role involves delivering expert analysis and insights on European energy markets, enabling our clients to make informed decisions to effectively invest and operate in the market.

In addition to advising private sector clients, I work closely with public bodies and market operators to evaluate and enhance the efficiency of existing energy markets and effective government intervention. My focus is on designing markets that can adapt to the evolving needs of the changing energy mix and the energy transition.

I have a background in wholesale energy markets, with previous roles at Ofgem, the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (now DESNZ), and Energy UK. While at the UK Government, I led the department's work on wholesale power markets, working on the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) and overseeing the implementation of risk mitigation measures in response to the Russian-Ukrainian war.