Beyond Curious with LCP: The Longevity Imperative with Andrew Scott
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This episode was recorded before the general election on Thursday 4 July 2024 and therefore does not reflect any events after this date.
This week, David Fairs and Steve Webb talk to Andrew Scott, author and global macro economist and longevity specialist.
We talk about Andrew’s ideas that as a society we need a different approach to the way we understand and frame ageing. The traditional 20th century approach is that life falls into three stages - education, work and retirement. This doesn’t fit with increasing life expectancy trends. There needs to be cultural and political shifts to allow people to lead healthier and more productive longer lives and to think about careers differently.
The episode covers:
- The impact of technology
- A new ‘Longevity economy’ and what it means
- The important role of preventative health and concept of healthy life expectancy
- The end of the ‘three stage’ life and the implications for pensions policy
Relevant links:
- Andrew’s books The 100-year life, The Longevity Imperative and The New Long Life
- Andrew’s website
- Andrew’s book recommendations Simone de Beauvoir’s Old Age and Cicero’s ‘On Old Age’
- LCP’s demographics expert Stuart McDonald
Thanks for listening!
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