Let's talk
S5 Ep. 7

Investment Uncut: Doughnut Economics

Investment Pensions & benefits DB investment consulting Economy DB pensions

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We are also joined by Tegs Harding, Head of Sustainability at IGG, for our “Views from the Boardroom” feature. We hear from Tegs about how she is shifting the discussions around sustainability from reporting to real world action on the boards she sits on, how we can power possibility in DB pensions to encourage more impactful investments and thoughts on the outcomes of COP 28.

We discuss: 

  • Why economics matters and how there are many assumptions and models that just don’t make sense – often because they’ve lost the nuance that was understood when they were first introduced – yet feed into important policy decisions and so have a significant impact on the real world;
  • The issues with focussing solely on GDP growth, especially when the planet has limited capacity for constant exponential growth;
  • What we can learn from indigenous communities;
  • Why it’s relevant that people are incentivised by more than just money; and
  • How we can create an economic system that is regenerative and redistributive by design.

Our key quote from the book:

We have an economy that needs to grow whether or not it makes us thrive; we need an economy that makes us thrive whether or not it grows.