Let's talk
S4 Ep. 25

Investment Uncut: The Opportunity Index with Gavin Lewis

Corporate strategy Diversity / DEI ESG

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We discuss:

  • Gavin’s motivations for writing the book, how he was found by his publisher and the influence of recent events at the time (the murder of George Floyd in particular)
  • The racial wealth gap, why it’s embedded in history and examples that demonstrate its prevalence today 
  • How economic and social factors are intertwined, yet the focus has often been on the social aspects only 
  • The link to capitalism and wealth extraction vs wealth creation 
  • Why DEI is important but not the whole picture 
  • Solutions: The Opportunity Index 
  • Filling a gap for an important factor that hasn’t been measured properly before 
  • How the index was developed 
  • Early conversations and where things may go next

What’s one thing you would like listeners to take away from this?

This debate is ongoing, but we need to maintain the urgency to enact effective change.

Any recommendations for good books or podcasts: