The virtuous cycle
Insurance consulting Actuarial function Insurance market insight Governance Corporate strategyInsurance actuaries and boards should work closely together to improve communication and break down technical barriers to create a ‘virtuous cycle’ that will help boost business decision making.
How insurance actuaries and boards can work together more effectively
In this ‘virtuous cycle’, actuaries deliver relevant insight to the board, equipping the board to better challenge all areas of the business. This, in turn, helps the actuarial function to deliver even better and more targeted insights.
We interviewed 25 of the UK’s leading general insurers to understand how they make key business decisions based on actuarial advice, and this has enabled us to produce a comprehensive guide to best practice in this important area.
What's inside:
- Our analysis and key insights from the in-depth interviews and survey.
- A best practice self-assessment guide which brings together the best ideas from the detailed discussions with the 25 insurers.
- A virtuous cycle essential toolkit which includes top tips, examples and key lessons for both boards and actuaries.