Insurance consulting
Insurance market insight
Our market studies provide the most comprehensive tools available to help clients benchmark their business performance against their peers.
Benchmark groups
Speak to us about joining our benchmark groups for:
- London Market reserving and business performance
- London Market capital modelling
- UK motor claims
- Claims inflation
- Actuarial and risk team sizes and structures
Our InsurSight analytics platform provides unparalleled insight into performance trends from the NAIC’s Schedule P data, London Market data and a variety of other sources. Want to know which classes (or firms) are delivering the most sustainable profitability, or which are most at risk of under-reserving? No need to spend months trawling through data. InsurSight can show you instantly.
Thought leadership
Our thought leadership publications are built entirely around the big issues firms are facing today. From our “Risk function of the future” report to our “Virtuous cycle” guide to an effective actuarial function, to our annual review of regulatory disclosures for the top 100 firms in the UK and Ireland - if you want to go deep, we can help.
Our regular roundtables have been cited as the best forum in the market to get live insights from your peers. Get in touch to join one of the following LCP non-life insurance roundtable groups:
- Non-Executive Directors
- CROs
- Chief Actuaries
- Heads of Capital
- Heads of Reserving
- DEI leads
Get in touch
If you would like to know more about our insurance services and how we can help you.