Matthew Pearlman
I am a partner in LCP's Insurance Consulting practice.
With over 30 years’ consulting experience, I hold Chief Actuary and Lloyd's Syndicate Actuary certificates and have acted as Chief Actuary for a UK insurer, and signed several Lloyd’s SAOs and other reserving opinions.
I recently led the validation for an insurer implementing a new internal model to help it through the internal model application process (IMAP), including validation of the calculation kernel and governance, and an assurance review of market risk for a firm that was looking to implement best practice as it transitioned towards Solvency II compliance.
I take a keen interest in professional issues, including sitting on LCP’s Conflicts and Ethics Committee and run regular professional skills training courses. I have helped the actuarial profession on various working parties, and am currently general insurance module lead - responsible for the exam syllabus and core reading. I am also a member of the elected Council of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.
Matthew Pearlman has a great bedside manner. He has constructive discussions even on difficult issues.
LCP Client