Let's talk

New Energy Summit 2024

Join our 23rd New Energy Summit in Berlin on the 8-9th October to hear from and network with organisations and investors at the leading edge of Europe’s energy transition. In this year's Summit, Day 1 focuses on the European power market outlook, grid-scale energy storage, green hydrogen and the role of flexibility. After the Summit networking dinner at the end of Day 1, the Day 2 agenda focuses on the latest developments concerning the "Energy Supplier of the Future", the shift to energy services and residential flexibility. 

Check out the full agenda and speakers below.

Event Details


8 October

  • Gain exclusive insights into investment opportunities in European energy system assets.
  • Connect with industry leaders, experts, and investors driving the energy transition.
  • Engage in strategic discussions on navigating the complexities of the European energy market.
Time Session details and speakers
09:00 – 09:30 Registration 
Tea, Coffee and Networking
09:30 – 09:40 Introduction and welcome
09:40 – 10:20


10:20 – 11:00

LCP Delta’s European power market outlook

  • Key trends and opportunities in European power markets.  
  • What are the expected developments as the European system decarbonises? 
  • How much flexibility will be required, and what type of flexibility (batteries vs LDES)? 
  • What are the resulting opportunities for investors? 
  • Are there implications for other stakeholders as the role of renewables and hydrogen grows, and fossil declines?


11:00 – 11:30 Break
11:30 – 12:45

Hydrogen: unlocking investment for scale-up

  • What does the current project pipeline for clean hydrogen supply in Europe look like, and will 2030 targets be met? 
  • Is policy and regulation a driver or barrier for investment in hydrogen across Europe, and what is the outlook?   
  • The shape and size of the offtaker market remains uncertain. How do we bridge the price and technology gaps between the producers and demand centers of clean hydrogen? 
  • What is the current picture for the key enabling infrastructure of hydrogen networks and storage assets? Is there sufficient investment in these key components of the hydrogen economy?

Speakers invited

  • Jan-Peter Mueller, Global Head of Energy & Mobility, Bayerische Landesbank
  • Marco Schweer, Executive Director, Project Finance Origination, Hamburg Commercial Bank AG (HBOC)
  • Bilal Ahmad, Investment Manager – Energy Transition, Octopus Energy Generation
  • Béatrice Angleys, Innovation Team lead, Thüga Aktiengesellschaft
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:15

Grid-scale energy storage: where are the best opportunities in Europe?

  • What are recent developments in market access or policy across Europe?   
  • Where are the hot markets for BESS and what is the status of the BESS project pipeline across Europe?  
  • Where is the value in European ancillary services markets and how will future revenue streams evolve?  
  • The GB is the leading market in Europe – are there important lessons relevant for other countries? 
  • Are we approaching an inflection point for the role of BESS in the European power market?

Speakers invited

15:15 – 15:45 Break
15:45 – 16:45

Flexible demand: how much, how quickly and how big a competitor is it with grid-scale assets?

  • How will flexible demand scale?  
  • What markets is it playing into? 
  • How cost-competitive will it be with grid-scale assets?  
  • Who is investing in (demand-side?) flexibility?

Speakers invited

16:45 – 17:00

Closing remarks

17:00 – 18:00 


18:00 – 19:00

Drinks reception

19:00 – Late

Summit networking dinner & drinks 

8 October

  • Network with peers, industry thought leaders, and potential partners in a relaxed and informal setting.
  • Meet the LCP Delta team in a relaxed informal environment.
  • Forge valuable connections and explore collaboration opportunities to accelerate your organisation’s growth.

9 October

  • Explore emerging trends and investment opportunities in retail energy and services.
  • Learn from LCP Delta experts and industry thought leaders about the latest developments shaping the retail energy sector.
  • Discover innovative strategies to optimise your organisation’s retail energy offerings and stay competitive in the market.
Time Session details and speakers
08:30 –  09:00 Registration 
Tea, Coffee and Networking
09:00 – 09:10  Introduction and welcome
09:10 – 09:50 


  • Alex Schoch, Global Head Flexibility & Electrification, Octopus Energy
09:50 – 10:30 

LCP Delta’s downstream energy transition outlook

  • Insights and forecasts from LCP Delta research services on the future of the European retail energy and services sector – spanning decarbonisation of heat, EVs, HEM and solar/battery.   
  • The strategic implications of this outlook for energy suppliers and OEMs. 
  • Areas where we see the best opportunities for investment and rapid scale-up.
  • Scenarios – possible strategies in different futures.

Speakers invited

10:30 – 11:00  Break
11:00 – 12:30 

What is required to become an Energy Supplier of the Future?

  • The rise of customer-centricity.  
  • What does this mean for suppliers, manufacturers, banks and others? 
  • Tariff evolution: latest developments, customer adoption, implications for service providers, how incumbents are responding.
  • Product offer evolution – from simple sales to integrated bundles, including a green finance wrapper.

Speakers invited

12:30 – 14:00  Lunch
14:00 – 15:15 

Why and how to move from being an appliance supplier or installer to a provider of ongoing digital and HEM services?     

  • What are the new types of disruptive player emerging in the home energy market?  
  • What are the opportunities and challenges for OEMs in the HEM market?  
  • What is the evidence that customers are engaging with smart charging and optimization propositions? Who are they turning to for support?  
  • What progress is being made on interoperability challenges, or will this remain a key barrier to scale up? 
  • Where is the value to support the additional costs of digital services?

Speakers invited

  • Jack Fielder​​​​, Chief Strategy Office, myenergi
  • Andreas Thorsheim, CEO and founder, Otovo
  • Guest from Bosch invited
  • Guest from Viessmann invited
15:15 – 15:45 Break
15:45 – 16:45

Where are we today with residential-scale flexibility and where will we be in 5 years? 

  • Which revenue streams are accessible today and what do we expect in future years? 
  • What are the leading propositions in Europe which are unlocking value for residential customers?  
  • What is most important regarding the relationship between implicit flexibility, explicit flexibility, tariffs and assets? 
  • Are both HEM and demand-side flexibility required?

Speakers invited

16:45 – 17:00

Closing remarks


  Day 1 Day 2 Both days Day 1 dinner & drinks
Client €495 €495 €595 Included in price
Non-client €595 €595 €795 Included in price

+19% German VAT

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If you’re curious about last year’s Summit, including insights into speakers, attendee profiles, and the overall experience, download our “Convince your boss pack” to discover more.
