
Unconference: The emerging pensions landscape

This thought-provoking style of event should equip you with ideas, insights and new contacts to help you on your pension journey.

Event Details

We are delighted to invite you to our inaugural “unconference” for in-house pension specialists

We will kick off with a keynote address from LCP Partner Alex Waite on what you can do now to prepare for the seismic changes to UK pensions markets over the coming years. Alex will also set out how the unconference will run through the day and how to get involved.

If you're already familiar with LCP's roundtable events, you know how valuable it is to share views informally with peers in a structured conversation with real-time polling and feedback. The unconference takes this to the next level!


What's an unconference?

It's a collaborative event where attendees are actively involved in setting the ‘live’ agenda throughout the session and are also invited to ‘get involved’ by hosting sessions during the day in the areas they particularly wish to explore. It’s like only having the great conversations you have “between sessions” at a normal conference!

An unconference allows you to:

  • Explore the topics you are most interested in, in a way that suits you
  • Learn what other market participants are interested in and identify emerging trends
  • Openly discuss and collaborate with others to solve problems, share knowledge and generate ideas on the evolving UK pensions landscape

What will be the format of the day?

After our welcoming and keynote address, we will run through all the things you will need to know in terms of the unconference format and the housekeeping on the day to make the interactive live sessions a success.

Key industry figures will then be available to lead discussions on topics chosen by the group on the day. Importantly, you can also host your own session to get feedback on what interests you! The beauty of the unconference is that there is no fixed agenda and so the topics will be tailored to those the attendees on the day suggest that they wish to explore and discuss further.

The session will run until 6:30pm, with drinks and nibbles after for those who are able to continue the discussions.


4:00pm Arrival
4:15pm Welcome and keynote
4:30pm First session
6:30pm Drinks and nibbles

Sounds interesting, but has it been done before and will it work in practice?

We are unashamedly following this new format which was first launched by our insurance colleagues; feedback from attendees indicated this was a great way to run a session which covered the areas they specifically wanted to discuss with peers and hear expert views about.

This LinkedIn post gives you a sense of what’s involved with a 30 second video from our inaugural insurance session.