Health analytics

Real world evidence generation

We work with our clients to generate rigorous and impactful real world evidence. Our approach is grounded in high quality science, combining expertise in epidemiology, statistics and real world health data with modern data science methods and ways of working.

Our team works closely with clients to navigate and address the increasingly complex need for real evidence from healthcare professionals, payers and HTA bodies, regulators and policy makers. 

White flowers in a field

We use both traditional and cutting-edge real-world data sources

We specialise in RWE (real-world evidence) studies using electronic health records, administrative data, biobanks, registries, claims data and other sources of real-world data (RWD). Our team has expertise in sourcing and partnering with real-world data sources around the world, including leading UK RWD sources (e.g. Discover, CPRD, UK Biobank, HES, NCRAS).

As well as expertise in traditional RWD sources, we also work at the cutting edge of RWD sources and RWE methodologies, including electronic social care records and clinico-genomic data.

Two brightly lit tents at night
Road at night

We support our clients with RWE design and execution across the medicines development lifecycle, including:

  • Burden of illness and other types of payer evidence studies
  • Comparative effectiveness 
  • Natural history of disease
  • Pharmacovigilance and drug safety
  • Drug utilisation
  • Advanced epidemiological study designs such as real-world comparators 
  • Development and validation of statistical and AI/ML models 
  • Impact evaluations

How evidence is communicated is critical in making sure that key messages are shared accurately and with impact. Our team has authored hundreds of peer-reviewed publications across many therapy areas, including in leading journals (The Lancet, The BMJ, PLOS Medicine etc), using innovative data visualisations and technology to communicate evidence.

Our latest market insights

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Kayak on a body of shallow water

The expanding landscape of digital health and real-world evidence in pharmacoepidemiology: reflections from ISPE 2024

Read on The Evidence Base
Rocky desert

Variations in healthcare costs by body mass index and obesity-related complications in a UK population: A retrospective open cohort study

Read on Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism

Get in touch

Contact us to learn more about how we can bring you clarity and insight in an increasingly complex life sciences and healthcare environment.

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Lighthouse at night