Ian Gamon
I advise trustees on their investments, helping them to get the best return from their assets for the right level of risk. With 20+ years of experience as an actuary advising trustees, charities and companies, I enjoy advising a broad range of clients. My recent work includes advising trustees on:
- Responsible investment policy and how to address climate change risks
- Hedging pension scheme liabilities against interest rate and inflation risks
- Long-term investment strategy for the endowment of a £1billion+ charity
- Selection and implementation of a global infrastructure fund
- Insurance 'buy-in' of a pension scheme's retired population
Within LCP, I am a member of the Responsible Investment Group, with specific responsibility for 'Impact Investing'. I believe responsible investment (including good stewardship) are valuable components of the trustee toolkit. Done well, responsible investment will increase long-term returns and enable trustees to meet their objectives more successfully.
A passionate believer in applying capital for both financial and societal benefit; I am actively involved in growing the knowledge and understanding of impact investing through industry round tables, blogs and webinars.