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Alternative Power for Equitable Communities (APEX)

Energy transition Energy consultancy Networks Customer & market insight
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APEX is a Network Innovation Allowance (NIA) funded project focused on green hydrogen development and end-use using a place-based methodology. The aim is to find locational solutions to integrating hydrogen systems that provide tangible benefits to the community. 


We developed the APEX project in partnership with Northern Gas Networks (NGN) and the Centre for Energy Equality (CEE). NGN sponsored the project as it supports their goal to provide reliable service to their customers while developing new low-carbon energy opportunities.

Client needs and key questions

The APEX project aimed to explore the integration of green hydrogen infrastructure into the gas network to enhance energy flexibility and reduced overall emissions. The project considered a range of hydrogen end-uses but at the focus was Power-to-Hydrogen (PtH2) and how this could be better integrated in practice. The project also aims to reduce costs and contribute to net zero. 

Our solution

We selected three real locations to represent different archetypes:

  1. urban (Leeds),
  2. industrial (North Humber) and,
  3. rural (Alnwick).

We explored the following end-uses of hydrogen: low-carbon heat from electrolyser waste heat, power balancing, high-grade industrial heat (>500°C), chemicals, refining and transport. The project assessed the maturity of the different offtake sectors, assessing the technology readiness levels (TRL), carbon reduction potential and competing technologies to hydrogen. This established which sectors would be viable options to offtake hydrogen or electrolyser waste heat.

Through modelling, we assessed the socio-economic and technical implications of PtH2 systems. This included identifying potential barriers and opportunities as well as evaluating the financial viability of systems in different regional contexts.

In addition, the project engaged expert stakeholders within industry to challenge our assumptions and approach. This supported the modelling as it ensured our input data was properly validated.

Initial findings from the Discovery phase indicate that the industrial community is a strong candidate for immediate integration of a PtH2 system due to its existing infrastructure and availability of clean renewable power. Rural and urban communities will require a more targeted approach to design a bespoke hydrogen development plan that maximises use of local renewable energy sources and infrastructure to produce a coherent business plan.

Our impact

One confidential hydrogen project developer confirmed that the locational approach developed by LCP Delta is the kind being developed by the hydrogen industry. The findings from our study will form the evidence base for development of this approach by gas and electricity networks, ensuring optimal outcomes in both efficiency and community benefit.  

The project produced some great research and completed modelling that allowed NGN to detail the opportunities for power to hydrogen infrastructure within our operating network.

Northern Gas Networks

View the project website

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