Let's talk


STOREcast brings the power of LCP Delta’s advanced battery modelling into users’ hands. With STOREcast, users can configure their own bespoke assets and portfolios, including locational and technical parameters, and view revenue and generation projections for the full asset lifetime, automatically updated each quarter. STOREcast allows our clients to access bankable revenue projections and understand the impact of asset parameters on future revenue without delay, to enable site specification, investment analysis and budgeting. 

The battery storage market is constantly evolving. While some revenue streams diminish through saturation, others boom through changes in market dynamics and volatility. Competition continues to increase, and price fluctuations and locational impacts are becoming more material. It’s never been more complex or difficult to understand what these changes mean for, not just any battery storage asset, but your asset. 

Asset owners need a way of staying on top of these changes and to understand their financial impact so they can budget accordingly and, if necessary, take operational or refurbishment actions.


How STOREcast can help

STOREcast provides storage owners with the power of trusted bespoke modelling and the ease of a subscription service, with almost instant results.

Using STOREcast, users can configure their own bespoke assets, and run them against LCP Delta’s bankable scenarios.

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 LCP Delta Storecast Dashboard
LCP Delta Storecast Configuration

STOREcast allows users to capture site-specific elements, such as the impact of: 

  • Duration
  • Degradation
  • Location (TNUoS and DNO zone)
  • Efficiency
  • Running costs
  • Onsite / Colocation options (solar PV or wind)
  • Grid configuration
  • Cycling limits

These assets will automatically be updated each quarter against LCP Delta’s latest scenarios, to allow for real-time monitoring, proactive management and quickly assessing how changing these technical characteristics will impact project value. 

Get in touch

If you would like to know more about our services and how we can help you with energy transition.

Contact us

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