LCP Delta developed the combined innovation strategy for the 13 gas and electricity network organisations in GB. The strategy serves as a guide for innovators in the networks industry to achieve decarbonisation targets.
Energy Networks Association (ENA) act as the voice of the networks. They represent the 13 network operators in GB and coordinate innovation activities to create synergies and facilitate information-sharing.
What the client needed and their key question(s)
ENA needs to publish an updated Innovation Strategy every two years as a regulatory requirement from Ofgem. We were contracted to deliver the updated Innovation Strategy as well as a new deliverable to chart the course to net zero in 2050. This new deliverable, the Energy Innovation Atlas, required a more forward-looking and long-term view of innovation needs in the industry. ENA would use the Atlas to help innovators decide what to focus on, and advocate for regulatory and policy changes.
Our solution
To deliver the Innovation Strategy and the Energy Innovation Atlas, we undertook several stakeholder engagement activities and internal analysis, including:
- A network innovation literature review, including all relevant policies and strategies in the UK and Europe.
- An online consultation with over 140 responses from organisations involved with network innovation at different levels, including academia, energy networks, technology manufacturers, service providers and consultancies.
- A series of eight online workshops gathering over 350 attendees from the networks industry. Each workshop was focused on a specific theme and used to identify the focus for innovation, the key changes required and the issues that need to be addressed to achieve net zero in 2050.
- Internal analysis to uncover the key changes needed at the industry level, which stakeholders are responsible for these changes, and how / what innovation can solve these issues. Analysis also involved determining a timeline for these changes and innovation needs.
Our impact
As an independent and technology-agnostic stakeholder in the networks industry, with deep knowledge of the upstream and downstream markets for energy, we brought an expert view which complemented the networks’ perspective.
Our unique skillset in stakeholder engagement enabled the delivery of high-quality stakeholder workshops, with high attendance from high-level influencers and decisionmakers in the industry.
We also leveraged our internal team of designers to develop a new, unique Energy Innovation Atlas which is intuitive for all readers and engaging regardless of the reader’s experience. The Energy Innovation Atlas was picked up by a few media, including Current and Utility Week.