Let's talk
A key player in the gas heating market required insight on the potential impact of the UK Government’s net zero targets for its operations to feed into its overarching strategy.

The client background

To achieve net zero nearly all heat in buildings will need to be decarbonised, which means replacing gas heating systems in the UK with other, low carbon technologies. The client is a key player in the gas heating space and was looking to design its strategy in the short-to-medium term to allow it stay relevant in the evolving heating landscape.

What the client needed and their key question(s)

The client wanted to better understand the changing market to feed into its strategy to remain a key player in the heating space.

They requested an overview of the current and future UK heating market and potential opportunities for the client in the low-carbon heating markets, including heat pumps, hydrogen boilers and heat networks. This would be used to identify the priority areas to focus their short-to-medium strategy.

Our solution

LCP Delta provided a series of reports, on the UK Heating Market, focusing on different areas including heat pumps, hydrogen for heat and heat networks. The analysis included:

  • Scenario-based forecasting of the UK heating market
  • Insights into the opportunities and threats across the UK value chain, incorporating insights from interviews carried out with key stakeholders in the industry
  • Policy landscape overview, including impacts of key policy decisions and milestones on the client’s operation
  • Key player mapping, and identification of gaps in the value chain
  • Overview of relevant European markets, including relevant business models and developments
  • Identification of key opportunities in the market, developed through presenting to the client in a workshop then collaboratively working through the opportunities and prioritising, based on the client’s existing expertise and strategy.

The LCP Delta difference

Our expertise in the heating space across Europe, and the wider energy transition, including hydrogen and new energy business models, allow us to provide a holistic view of the UK heating market. We have an unparalleled network of contacts that we drew on for this project, which allowed us to carry out interviews with key players in the market to get a detailed insight into the opportunities and challenges these players face.

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