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Energy transition

Energy transition explained

Answers you need for the Energy Transition journey. Written by our energy experts.

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The medium voltage grid distributes the electricity from the high voltage (HV) grid to regional transformer substations, or directly to large facilities such as factories. Voltage levels are below 50kV to 1kV. 

A technology that generates heat and electricity simultaneously, from the same energy source, in individual homes or buildings.

An inclusive term for any electrical grid investment that is intended to defer or remove the need to construct or upgrade components of a distribution and/or transmission system, or “wires investment”. As electricity grids are challenged by the increasing generation from renewables and electrification of demand, innovative solutions are required to minimise the investment needed in the grid. 

Nuclear energy comes from splitting atoms in a reactor, a process which creates heat that is used to produce stream which turns a turbine to generate electricity. The plants are seen as low carbon electricity, but they are usually base load generators, that cannot change their power output rapidly. Therefore, other types of generation are required to keep the system in balance.

Electricity from gas power plants that do not capture and store any of their carbon emissions. 

Professional who connects, installs and commissions items and products. Installers often have an important role to play in decision making by residential customers because they are seen as a trusted source of local advice. 

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