
DC &
financial wellbeing

Pensions & benefits

Truly understanding your employees or members, as well as your objectives, will lead to improved communication, engagement and ultimately better, more personalised outcomes.

The DC & financial wellbeing market continues to evolve, with constant legislative changes coupled with many mergers and acquisitions amongst traditional pensions providers changing the landscape beyond recognition.

Despite these profound changes, we should hold a clear goal in mind; that savers can achieve a retirement outcome on which they can not only survive, but also be comfortable. But how do we do this?

We use the data we have to get to know your employees or members, and set clear objectives with their outcomes in mind, which will allow us to achieve success from their perspective.

Master Trusts Unpacked

Master Trusts Unpacked

Default Investment Strategies

In this report, we look back at the performance of master trusts during 2023, explore the main trends that have shaped the investment landscape and how this has affected master trust default strategies.

Read the report

How we can help with your DC scheme

We know that post Freedom and Choice the DC landscape is changing rapidly with an ever-increasing number of options available to both scheme sponsors and for members, particularly at retirement. With the benefit of our independent research you can be confident that we will keep you up to date with the relevant information about regulatory changes, market developments and new ideas.

The key to this is governance and monitoring. For example, we look at how much money your investment strategy will deliver for your employees in retirement. Do you know how many employees are taking advantage of matching contributions who can afford to? And how your provider is developing and delivering its proposition?

We use our market-leading technology, including LCP Horizon, to make sure you always have the information at your fingertips to make decisions in real-time. If you need to make changes, our expert project management and research capability will make them easy to implement.

All this data and knowledge, when used and monitored effectively, can really help generate positive outcomes for your employees.

How we can help with your employees' financial wellbeing

Your employees’ financial lives are personal, unique, and at times can be complicated. And when those worries are brought to the workplace, it can have a huge impact on the ability for your employees (no matter their position) to get the job done and ultimately your bottom line.

Putting your data through our unique analytics tool offers insight into your employees’ behaviours. The power of this data is demonstrated through the ability to design bespoke employee centric solutions that can improve individuals’ financial situations as well as helping you to manage risks and demonstrate return on investment to your organisation. 

Whilst budgets can often be challenged in this area, our approach is designed to optimise your existing resources, creating savings for you whilst enhancing employee engagement. 

We are perfectly placed to be your strategic corporate partner to guide you in creating the optimum framework which will continue to adapt in this ever-changing world.

Our latest thinking

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How we can help

We help sponsors of pension schemes understand and manage the costs and risks associated with supporting their current and legacy pension schemes as well as other employee benefits.

Your most important asset is your employees, so it’s vital you look after their financial health to boost the success of your business.

We help you get your investment strategy right to ensure good member outcomes in your DB and DC schemes.

LCP Horizon is a one stop solution to meet your governance, communications and investment needs; enabling you to take effective, measurable actions to help your members.

We help trustees achieve their strategic goals, with solution-led, appropriate advice.

Get in touch.

If you would like to know more about our services and how we can help you with pensions and benefits.

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