Performance monitoring
You want to stay on top of your investments. We provide clients with real-time information and focus on monitoring what matters most to them – be that individual portfolio performance, total asset performance, investment managers, or asset exposures (including asset distribution and climate-related metrics).

At LCP, we take a different approach to investment monitoring
Many investors rely on stale, out-of-date investment monitoring reports that do not provide comprehensive answers to the important questions. At LCP, we take a different approach, providing clients with:
Real-time information
We think up-to-date information is simply more useful and leads to greater insight and better decision-making. So, using our in-house developed interactive technology, we provide real-time updates on our clients' investments. Whether they want to make rebalancing or investment/disinvestment decisions, or understand the impact on their investments immediately after critical market events, our technology can help.
In-depth insight
There’s more to monitoring than just seeing impacts. It’s also important to understand what have been the drivers of change and whether different approaches might be better. By having more information on their investments they can, for example, evaluate how well their strategy and managers are working so they can take advantage of opportunities, or take early, corrective action if necessary.

Choose the time horizon that’s important to you
Just move the sliders in our technology to see if changing the monitoring period gives a different perspective.
Broad suite of metrics
Monitoring is not just about market values and performance. Increasingly, our clients want to understand a wider range of metrics, including climate-related exposures. We take a holistic approach to monitoring, to give our clients a wider view of how their investments have changed.
Get in touch
If you would like to know more about our investment services and how we can help you.