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Home Energy Management due diligence

Energy transition Energy consultancy Due diligence
Houses looking out over a beach at sunset

The background

Trill Impact wanted to understand how the market for connected home products will evolve across Europe in the coming years and assess whether their target, smart home product provider tado°, is well positioned to capture the opportunity in this space.

The key question

How will the market for connected home products evolve over the next five years in Europe? Is tado° in a position to capture opportunities on the Home Energy Management (HEM) market?

What was needed

Trill Impact needed to pitch their investment recommendation to the investment committee within 3 weeks of the kick-off of the project. They needed insight into the connected home and HEM markets, including competitors and key players, installed base and sales forecasts indicating growth. They also needed to understand how tado° products could connect to various assets in the home, the USP and key differentiators for customers.

Our solution

To meet Trill Impact’s needs in the tight deadline, we provided trill Impact with two off-the-shelf reports on the Connected Home market and the HEM market which summarised the state of the market and included competitive landscape, growth forecasts, and country-level analysis for Europe. After giving trill Impact some time to digest this information, we held two separate workshops to address their questions, each involving some additional research. At the end, we summarised all the questions and the key findings in a final report.

The LCP Delta difference

LCP Delta was the only provider able to meet Trill Impact’s needs because of the tight timeline and the availability of our off-the-shelf reports that were highly relevant to their needs. Our ability to draw on the expertise from our subscription research was also key to this project’s success. By including a few workshops with the Trill Impact team, we ensured they were getting the answers and insights they needed to pitch the investment to their committee.

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